Thursday, May 26, 2011

getting back in shape journey

for some reason i can't get on my other blog so i'm just going to add it on here. :) i want to look & feel better about myself. so to get back to where i was previously i've decided to make some healthy life changes. i've been working out daily, eating good foods, & drinking tons of water. i'm pretty excited because in the past half week alone i already feel better, which helps motivate me to keep going. as of the 24th, which is when i weighed last, i was 123.7. i was close to 130 a few weeks ago & that was like a slap in the face. i'm 5' and i've NEVER been over 110 till now & it's time to get back to my target weight. i'm going to be taking measurements & weight every tuesday, (i was late on the measurement part). i did take measurements today & this is what they are...

weight: 123.7
thigh: 22 in
butt: 38
hips: 36
waist: 33.5
chest: 35
arms: 10.5

so i'll check back every tuesday with updates. i'll also do some reviews on dvds & equipment & let you guys know what works for me.

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